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The Minecraft Wiki Zulip runs on a Standard plan sponsored by Zulip! 

The Minecraft Wiki's Zulip instance serves as a communication tool for Minecraft Wiki users.

About Zulip[edit | edit source]

Zulip is a chat tool generally comparable to IRC, Discord, Slack, or similar software. Compared to other solutions, it is more focused on asynchronous cooperation on projects, especially open-source projects. It is open-source (Apache License 2.0) and can either be self-hosted or used as a cloud instance hosted by Zulip itself (but instances can freely migrate between the two options).

Zulip's threading model is rather unique. Each channel does not have a central chat; instead it consists of multiple threads (called topics). Each topic can be followed or muted separately, but each channel also has a feed of all messages in all its topics. The advantage of this approach is that every discussion is tied to a specific topic, which makes catching up on topics or ignoring certain topics easier.

It is also possible to freely move messages between channels and topics, as well as rename topics. This makes it possible to re-organize discussions and to create a new topic for a discussion that has diverged from the topic.

An advantage to other chat tools like Discord and Slack is that chats can be made viewable by the public.

Zulip does not have audio or video conferencing on its own, but it does integrate with Jitsi Meet.

Discord bridge[edit | edit source]

Currently, the main purpose of the Minecraft Wiki Zulip is to act as a bridge the wiki's Discord servers for users who don't have access or don't want to use Discord. This happens through a bot, discord-zulip-bridge, that sends messages back and forth between these two services. It is currently hosted privately by violine1101.

This bridge currently has some deficiencies that must be noted. The following is an incomplete list:

  • Discord attachments such as images will only be viewable temporarily on Zulip.
  • Reactions aren't bridged.
  • Users who are blocked by other users on Discord can evade those blocks by using Zulip.

Channels[edit | edit source]

The Minecraft Wiki Zulip currently has the following channels:

  • #en/general
    • The following channels are bridged with the corresponding channel on the English Discord server: general, minecraft, gameplay-help, off-topic, discord
  • #en/wiki
    • The following channels are bridged with the corresponding channel on the English Discord server: wiki, dungeons-wiki, legends-wiki, earth-story-wiki, wiki-help, wiki-info-verification, wiki-technical
  • #en/editors
    • The following channels are bridged with the corresponding channel on the English Discord server: editors, wiki-requests, wiki-socials
  • #en/directors: Directors on the English Minecraft Wiki
    • Chat: Bridged with #directors on the English Discord server.
  • #meta/general
    • News: Bridged with #news on the Meta Discord server.
    • Chat: Bridged with #general on the Meta Discord server.
  • #meta/representatives: for wiki representatives
    • Chat: Bridged with #wiki-representatives on the Meta Discord server.
  • #meta/board: board members
    • Chat: Bridged with #board-private on the Meta Discord server.
    • Other topics are bridged with forum topics on the Meta Discord server.

Administration[edit | edit source]

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